Camp Registrations

Here is a list of people currently registrered for the camp
Total number of confirmed registrations: 44 | ** = Waiting list |
Confirmed Names will only appear with a PD once payment has been confirmed.
Brendan Doogan PD Counties Manukau Dragons Spirit Papatoetoe
Craig Hannah PD Wellington Pil Sung Taekwon-Do
Kevin joe PD Auckland North Remuera Taekwon-Do
Total 3
Duane Meek PD Wellington Lyall Bay Taekwon-Do
Total 1
Fiona Simmonds PD Midlands Hwa-Rang Tauranga
Scott Sutherland PD Midlands Silla TKD
Graham Walshe PD Central Districts Dragons Spirit Wanganui
Total 3
Karen Attrill PD Midlands Hwa-Rang Tauranga
Margot Bawden PD Central Districts RTR Taekwon-Do Hastings
Peter Cossey PD Midlands Avondale TKD
Danielle Drylie PD Counties Manukau Dragons Spirit Papatoetoe
George Elvin PD Midlands Silla TKD
Joy Mackenzie PD Central Districts Dragons Spirit Wanganui
Total 6
Michael Archer PD Counties Manukau Paul M Waiau Pa
Lou Black PD Midlands Silla TKD
Paul Chadwick PD Central Districts RTR Taekwon-Do Hastings
Glyn Jones PD Counties Manukau Ji Shin Maraetai
Kim Kingsley PD Midlands Silla TKD
Total 5
Selina Fensom PD South Island Nelson International Taekwon Do
Mathew Guadagni PD Counties Manukau Ji Shin Maraetai
Jo Northey PD Midlands Hae Taekwon-Do Whakatane
Anthony Phillips PD Midlands Hamilton
Andy Stapleton PD Counties Manukau Ji Shin Maraetai
Kate Taylor PD Wellington Kapiti Coast TKD
Amy Thomas PD Central Districts RTR Taekwon-Do Hastings
Margaret Tollenaar PD none selected
Hayden Vink PD Counties Manukau Xtreme Martial Arts Academy
Total 9
Millissa Bethel PD Central Districts Guardians TKD
Lauren Parker PD Auckland North Hart Taekwon-Do
Total 2
Amelia Hirota PD Midlands Hwa-Rang Tauranga
Total 1
Chris Chong PD Wellington Berhampore TKD
Rhiannon Evans PD Central Districts RTR Taekwon-Do Hastings
Sarah Grimes PD Midlands Silla TKD
Melanie Leach PD Central Districts RTR Taekwon-Do Taradale
Julie Morrison PD Auckland North Warrior Taekwon-Do
Total 5
Mark Chesters PD Midlands Hae Taekwon-Do Whakatane
Total 1
Jenni Tham PD Counties Manukau Paul M Waiau Pa
Total 1
Clare Murden PD Midlands Silla TKD
Tawhai Schuster PD Midlands Silla TKD
Total 2
Oliver Hankey PD Auckland North Warrior Taekwon-Do
Total 1
Steve Holmes PD Auckland North Warrior Taekwon-Do
Total 1
Richard Love PD Central Districts Guardians TKD
Total 1
Diane MacDonald PD Midlands Hamilton
Kian Wee PD Auckland North Warrior Taekwon-Do